Friday, March 04, 2005

China - Astrology & Analysis

This is the chart most Western astrologers work with today, based on October 1st, 1949, the Libra chart. Based on 3pm, we find the planets Mercury and Neptune conjunct in Libra close to the sun in the 8th house, cusp ruled by Mercury or Virgo, hence mercurial maybe, and rather secretive in the 8th house, also very intuitive and psychic, or superbly perceptive and evasive as the case may be. A person born at that time would be considered blessed with ESP or extra sensory perception. It makes this a very balanced, spiritually advanced start into a new time. It was the time Mao selected to give his nation a new identity. Moon on ascendant both trine sun, beautiful to be sure, and artistic too...
Chart ruler Uranus (Aquarius rising) is positioned in Cancer and in square to the setting sun; this means nurturing and growth undergo shock therapy type treatments for the masses that need to be fed. When the earth changes begin to happen, this chart will be 60 years old. Now you must understand that Chinese astrology works with 12 signs and five elements over 60 years, so come October 1st, 2009, this is the big one, or the Chinese first real birth day, as they measure time in yugas of ginormous proportions. Pluto will slowly begin to square the rising Sun of the yellow empire... while opposing the Cancer Uranus of China, and so the Taoist dragon will rise at that time... and in 2012 the new China will be on the map everywhere, but maybe in form of a new identity as this chart is very impersonal yet most transformative, as well as resiliant.
Rather practical and frugal, precise, meticulous, dependable or well disciplined and extremely hard working is the Saturn in Virgo position, and also very controlling or powerful in the 8th house and well aligned to a very intense Venus in Scorpio, this points to good trade all over the world. In a way extreme is the potentially fiery if not brutal and ballistic Mars Pluto conjunction in a territorial and attention-seeking Leo alignment opposite to an otherwise technologically very advanced and impersonal Aquarius Moon on an Aquarius or friendly rising sign.
Status orientated but tranquil 12th house Jupiter in Capricorn again in good aspect to 2nd benefic Venus (expanded trade) is now visited by Chiron, a position that is being triggered by transitting Saturn in Cancer, in opposition soon, waking the sleeping dragon that rumbles into aggressive activity against neighbours, or against internal dissidents. The Mars-Pluto conjunction in Leo in square to the Scorpio Venus is not funny. In fact it is intense as hell, but not visible to the outsider. If I was Colin Powell I would not further annoy these people unnecessarily...
A bit of comparative recent history and applied mundane astrology is due: Transit Uranus in Scorpio was squaring the Aquarius moon and rising of China in 1979 when China invaded Vietnam; transit Pluto in Scorpio in June 1989 was in direct square to China's empirial Leo-Mars when the Tienanmen Square shootings took place. We all remember the one man standing still in front of the tank army... Pluto was retrograde then, and so the tank did not open fire...
In 1989, the triple conjunction of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn (that is where Pluto will be in 2012) was also squaring the Sun and other Libra planets in the China chart. The first hostilities against Taiwan's attemtps to gain independence occurred when Uranus crossed the 3 degree Aquarian Moon. Tensions then remained very high through 1999 as Uranus opposed Mars, rightfully so I have to add, over the US bombing of the Chinese Belgrade embassy, and over Taiwan - unrightfully so, which to this day continues to be threatened, and with internal repression of the popular Falun Gong spiritual movement, see the ESP position of Neptune-Mercury... which will receive a very popular boost this and next year when Jupiter passes the mid Libra regions. I would not be surprised to see Falun Dafa be introduced world wide as the answer to all the spiritual mayhem... and we know by now that Neptune rules a lot of things, from Opium to chemicals to oil and to spirituality...
Neptune now opposes the Mars Pluto conjunction of China, and so the alliances which this giant realm will make can be opaque and global to say the least, and very far reaching, but nonetheless unclear to most people around the world. It can in some way perhaps also be undermining to the national morale and an identity crisis might ensue, and it will prove to unsettle the efforts to present a humanitarian PR image if these executions go on. Let us not forget that China admits to killing (executing) thousands of people a year, and some say that China is a Draco ruled alien colony, while others say humanity was in ancient times Chinese.... go figure! Neptune opposes Pluto from now until mid of 2006, suggesting a subtle erosion or dilution and eventual transformation of internal China, going rural now (transit Saturn in Cancer sextile to natal workaholic Saturn in Virgo) and it could also be heightening new tensions in its external relations.
The China Neptune and the transit Neptune now (in good alignments of 120 degrees I must say) are seriously undermining trust and mutual cooperation while at the same time being helpful for China to throw star dust over the whole planet. Who knows, but maybe all these black winds and epidemics are all germinated in Chinese laboratories? One thing is certain, China has high level spies all over the world, and via its military arm Hutchison Whampoa trading houses blossom and it carries on its millennia old tradition of a powerful merchant sea faring warrior nation, only now more discreetly, but equally successfully.
This tends to coincide with pressures on many transforming relationships - Russia among them - as inexorable outside and international pressure meets immoveable resistance from the smiling faces. Neptune in Aquarius now for many years in opposition to nuclear Pluto in China's chart will pose valid questions about who is actually in control of this giant China shop. Meanwhile the giant of one third of humanity expands quietly, unseen, as Neptune moves silently through Aquarius. Another indicator of quiet moves is birth Venus in Scorpio in the 9th house of faith and of international travels... remember David Bowie's 'Little China Girl'...
Based on this chart, I would say that Mao had a superbely talented magi as astrologer by his side or he was simply very blessed to have selected that date for the new 'Red' China: This chart is good to go for another few thousand years... as it will morph into position as time goes by; well, but then maybe this is not the real birth time of China... maybe the date was selected to keep Western astrologers and ordinary people guessing about the true intentions of this empire that Nostradamus called the shaven race; on the other hand one can detect great and ever lasting peace and balance in it, as long as everyone in there practices Falun Dafa - Truthfulness, Benevolence and Balance, and neo-Buddhism for the masses...
I kind of like the chart, but I would not want to be on the receiving end of the perennial strategy of the Yellow Empire in the rising sun if I had cemented the wrong alliances...
Now, as to safe places I would think that central China and the Himalajas should be ok even in a sudden pole shift... which leads me to believe that China will be around past 2012... in case you want to understand China and the bigger picture better, I recommend you watch the grand epic movie by Bertollucci - "The Last Emperor" - and then you will agree that the yin-yang wheel keeps turning; if you prefer books to movies, read 'Seeds Of Fire' by Gordon Thomas, and definitely study Taoism, Lau Tsu and Sun Tzu, or else you are hopelessly left behind by what I call 'High Magic made in China'...
The link shows you the assessment by famed Gordon Thomas. Interesting how his research and my chart analysis come to similar conclusions... don't mess around with China!
"In this first-hand account, Gordon Thomas reveals America’s and the West’s betrayal of the children of China, who, for a brief moment in history, brought democracy to their homeland. Thomas takes the reader into the inner sanctums of the Oval Office, the CIA headquarters at Langley, and the private compounds of the leaders of China as they debated and fought over the great revolt. And finally, it shows in dramatic detail how the supreme leader, Deng Xiaoping, gave orders for the execution of the students.
The inside story about China that no one can afford to ignore. Using his unsurpassed contacts in Israel, Washington, London and Europe, Gordon Thomas, internationally acclaimed best-selling author and investigative reporter for over a quarter-century, reveals information about China's intentions to use the current crisis to launch itself as a new Super-Power and become America's new major enemy.
On September 11, 2001, the same day the World Trade Center and Pentagon were hit by terrorists, a Chinese Peoples Liberation Army transport aircraft from Beijing landed in Kabul with the most important delegation the ruling Taliban had ever received. They had come to sign the contract with Afghanistan that Osama bin-Laden had asked for, that would provide the Taliban with missile-tracking, state of the art communications, and air defense systems in exchange for the Taliban's promise to end the attacks by Muslim extremists in China's north-western regions. Hours later, CIA Director George Tenet received a coded "red alert" message Mossad's Tel Aviv headquarters that presented what he called a "worst case scenario" - that China would use a ruthless surrogate, bin-Laden, to attack the United States.
By 2015 China will have deployed tens to several tens of missiles with nuclear warheads targeted against the United States, mostly more-survivable land and sea mobile missiles. It will also have hundred of shorter-range ballistic and cruise missiles for use in regional conflicts. Some of these shorter-range missiles will have nuclear warheads; most will be armed with conventional warheads.
That prediction is from a CIA briefing paper to the Bush Administration. It is one of almost 100 pages of never-before published official documents in Seeds of Fire that also include redacted documents concerning the Inslaw "largest global software theft in history," MK ULTRA, and the link between newspaper magnate, Robert Maxwell and Los Alamos."
Now if you want to understand how Venus in Scorpio and Saturn in Virgo work in tandem for a nation that will one day rule all the trading routes of this planet, then click here, it is very eye opening - and not for the faint-hearted; many links at:
You see in the chart, at the rising (9 o'clock position) the Aquarius positions: There is Chiron now and next year, bringing maybe societal healing to the little ones and their mothers...