Friday, March 04, 2005

Mecca 622 AD

Panarabic Mars
You might ask why Mecca in 622 AD. That is when Mohammed the prophet showed up in Mecca and made his truth known to what was then the world, a region of knowing and of science. This region is now today again reactivated, and whoever will arrive soon in Mecca and revive the knowing of 622 will have an asset that will prove beneficial to the rest of the world. The asset is cosmological and intangible in nature yet perennial in teaching - as it is about peace or - Islam...
You see Mars of Mecca 622 AD - the panarabic point of Mars - is almost same point as Neptune of USA 1776. Does the USA imagine a real or an invented enemey? Except Jupiter at 8 Pisces, a spiritual point no doubt, and superbely outstanding as the singleton of the whole chart, opposite an Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Virgo - and Pluto at 22 Aries, ALL positions line up between 25 Cancer and 20 Virgo, within less than 60 degrees, with a huge preponderance in Leo, and Uranus, Neptune and famous Mars in Virgo. This is the base - (the base = AL QAEDA) of the issue. One calls this a bucket chart - a bit lopsided, with heavy focus to the right of the chart, see pic below.
This is a very dynamic, extreme, yet functional, and provocative chart. And it is hugely activated now and until the end of 2007. The key point of triggers was actually during the eclipses, May 4th and 5th, 2004 - when Jupiter and Uranus sit in swapped places. This is the belief system revolution syndrome if ever there was one, now it is activated as never before. Whoever holds Mecca holds the future for that region. There will be one more trigger, when Uranus opposes the panarabic Mars point.
Mars is in the 21st degree of Virgo. The chart has a long reach through space and time. The teaching has obviously been in place for over 1400 years and it is about to be resurrected as the planets Jupiter now and later Saturn in 4 years will move over the cluster. Jupiter in Pisces, just as the Fatwa of Al Qaeda in 1998, shows a belief system issue - rudely reawakened in 2005 when Uranus will move over 8 Pisces three times. Pluto in Aries is of a different bent, urging a new system to be implemented. Mars in Virgo is exacting, but not well aspected by Pluto, and egged on by Jupiter. This is a time in which the Caliphates were propagated.
No one would have thought that some 1,400 years later we would deal with a chart made of many territorial Leo aspects, the North Node among them. And yet, there it is, Mecca 622 AD July, in Cancer, ready to be rescucitated and revivified - the Panarabic point of congregation. Many people will soon rally around this point of their faith.
I was told by friends who looked at my work that Mecca and Medina would be "safe places". Personally I like to stay outside conflict zones, but maybe I shall go pay a visit to the places... The odd thing is that the Mahdi's personal chart and the Mecca 622 chart have a lot in common. Welcome to the 21st Century's Caliphate. Again, read Dick Clarke's 'Against All Enemies' and apply it the other way around to see the hidden truth. Is Islam a branch of RCC? Maybe. I am no Islamist, I just read charts, and this is a state of mind chart more so than an actual birth chart...
Pluto now makes a 120 degree benign angle to Pluto at inception, and it makes a challenging aspect to Mars, and so it is clear that the countries aligned with Mecca in 622 AD today are those that will win the day. The USA chart looks extremely challenged by this Caliphate's birth and transit chart. As I had always thought, the USA chased down the wrong enemies and in the process of doing so opened the can of worms to create many new enemies, probably just one too many once the house of Saud falls and Mecca reverts back to its rightful descendants...
Again the advice is to transform Mecca into a center of futurist orientated and peaceful integration. Anything that proves to be divise will not work and prove counter-productive. Hoping that those who need to see these lines understand it, the key to this chart would be to be a teacher, more so than a leader, and the territories are vast enough to let everyone get on with eachother. Altruism is key to this chart and so are the recognition of advanced new and ancient sciences. Mecca 622AD was a time of reaching out beyond the known, as truth is never the known but always new, just as we will have to do now. To reach out very far across the abyss of understanding is the challenge of Mecca in 622 and of now ...