Thursday, June 30, 2005


From 2004 until 2010 we will live with Uranus in Pisces, and today, Mars joins the planet of liberation in the 11th degree of Pisces, also known in Sabian Oracle symbology and its associated imagery as "MEN TRAVELING A NARROW PATH, SEEKING ILLUMINATION"

Sometimes the search for high ideals and understandings place us at odds with conservative social expectations. It is the ability to persevere with the search, regardless of the cost, that marks the sincerity of any path or journey. Most times this quest is very illuminating, although sometimes it's confusing. You will need to reject that which is unworthy. People 'on the path'. Having a cause to follow. The promise of light at the end of the day. The Caution: Being blinded by the light. Not knowing where you're really going.
The Forge of Magic

Every intentional act is an act of magic. Drawing a picture is perhaps the oldest source of this mysterious enchantment by which the author of an idea produces the desired effect of invoking a concept. Next to this magical type of art - millions of years after the recorded icon - is an intellectual form of high magic: the enunciation of a cosmic philosophy to translate the image into inspired words. St.Clair has written the code of time for the next fifty years into this book - ICONS OF DESTINY. His interpretations are stunning. The book has been on-line in its original and integral version since November 2003, after it was initially completed exactly by September 11th, 2001, when it was transferred to a Swiss publisher.

Through the use of various combined techniques - from shape, form and figures to very precisely written words - that presumably assure human control of supernatural forces, the artist-author put intent behind awareness to produce his brand of ‘magic consciousness’. Defined along those lines, St.Clair offers a book that manifests his benevolent power as a white wizard of star magic. He shows potential scenarios for a new universal order.

Images are the midwives between ideas and words, just as memes are notional entities looking for a mind in which to incubate. Pictures are - literally and figuratively speaking - worth more than all the words anyone can invent. Reality is relative, as our belief systems shape the map of our reality. St.Clair drew from 1998 to 2001 several series of over one hundred divination cards - depicting archetypes of God and timeless civilizations. Twenty-two of his Atlantis Oracle deck are reproduced for the first time in this book.

Design and symbolism merged to originate modern day petroglyphs, Stone Age drawings, and visionary impressions witnessing man’s evolution. He birthed an art style coined ‘Esoterism’ - the blending of alchemy, mysticism, tarot, astrology, the runes, the I-Ching, the mathematics of time, and sacred geometry - encompassing art movements through all ages. He created projection holders, hooks to catch your imagination; in other words - icons of destiny, or gateways by which to enter high magic.

St.Clair’s passion for history, his own life as warrior-magician and artist, and his Celtic heritage led to his core belief system, whereby it is crucial for us to go back to where we have been in order to understand where we are going, as the key to the future will - in all truth - be found in the past. Besides drawing his psychic impressions, St.Clair wrote the narrative of space-time, explaining in his own way the astrological truth on the subject of awareness and consciousness and their potential for transformation in the 21st century.

The book you link to here is the result of an ongoing process best described as the forge of magic. Magic is nothing else but the art of creation. Both the visual and the intellectual skills of the artist-author were initiated and perfected to the point where the creation speaks for itself, by its very presence. St.Clair’s psychic recall has proven itself correct in the past, as his predictions stand the test of time.
Here is the sacred gateway to Tibetan High Magic:
Following this narrative,
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