Tuesday, February 13, 2007



The arrival of the outermost planet of our solar system into the sign that rules time and structure, society and governments, heralds a complete overhaul of everything to do with structural society as we knew it. What can this entail? This is the subject of the book ZEN OF STARS / Futures of Planet Earth.

Once the planet’s population reaches the ability of global seeing and communication, those who can apply the global communications platform naturally seek a conceptual structure that unifies the population of the world, via any world order, new or old. And this is not new.

This is done first economically, and then, militarily. Earth is well underway in both domains, economy and defense, but the dampening effect of the so-called terrorist network is what will help to temper the will of the population to unify.

The question is who are the "terrorists" and what is the state within the state. Once this unification is established, the population will be better able to collaborate and share resources and technologies. Unification as such is NOT a bad thing. It is only dreaded by those who fear that their roots are taken away.

Our political, military, and media leaders do not share this perspective, not because they lack sensibility, but because their systems of reference are designed to protect what has been established by previous generations as our self interest, rather than to understand the broader context as it relates to the vital discoveries that lie ahead.

I know in the minds of each of you lies the gnawing questions: where will this invasive terrorism lead and how far will it go? Will it lead to a world war? Will the world economy weaken as a result? I can answer yes to the last two questions, but it will not overtake the world’s progression to unify, but rather hasten its realization. While sacrifices will be required, it will generate a new sense of collective purpose and connection among the nations and tribes of Earth.

If you remain absorbed in the media-defined expression of this dramatic story as it ensues, you may be entrained to think and act as our leaders do, which is centered on the protection of the self-interests of the free world. You may instead choose to rely more on the leadership of your inmost self during the times that will come, and place the events in the broader context of the journey that lies ahead — both for you as an individual and humanity as a whole.

Each of you must feel as though you have walked unwittingly through a gate, and, having seen what’s on the other side, you want to return from whence you came, but the gate locked behind you. We have entered a new world where your vulnerability has been drawn in sharp relief. What lies ahead is not of our conscious designs, but rather it is an expression of our accumulated self-interests and general ignorance of the Wholeness Navigator, and subconsciously, there are few on Earth who do not realize this.

There is no one to blame for this condition. It is an evolutionary element of the long process for a humanoid species to achieve the scientific discovery of the higher dimensions from which humanity is woven. Upon this journey humankind has struggled before, but it has always found its way forward to its ultimate goal, and it is this goal — subtle as it may be — that seeks to articulate itself in the hearts and minds of all of you who are incarnate at this time.

There will be new tests that will assail humanity throughout the 21st century; some will be more profoundly shattering than those witnessed this week, month or year ahead. Invariably, the world leaders will draw a line between good and evil and seek to eradicate the evil, and in every instance the target will only extend further into the deep recesses of obscurity and de-centralization.

There is a strategic plan for all life-bearing planets, and this plan is not established at the outset and then cast aside. It is constantly undergoing refinement and adjustment. The only stability in this plan is the ultimate goal; the journey itself weaves, stalls, accelerates, and sometimes even reverses in direction.

There is, however, the guiding hand of First Source that never releases, nor turns away in indifference, and this same hand touches into the deepest part of you — especially in times such as these, and it proffers insight.

Pluto in Capricorn is discussed in greater depth in ZEN OF STARS
see this link here: http://trafford.com/06-0844
Michael St.Clair's new book "FORESEEN FUTURES" released by 2009.