Tuesday, August 16, 2005

AQUARIUS Full Moon 2005



Cropcircle Image Jaime Maussan Copyright 2005


The upcoming full moon on 19 August approaches perigee - closest to earth - opposing the SUN in LEO 27 - Symbol: "Daybreak" - Keyword: GENESIS - and is the ONE that lines up the group with the individual, and the freethinkers with the independent-minded. The radical knowledge is coming to us at lightning speed now. However, the 27 Aquarius degree point speaks of the keyword TRADITION.

There you have it in two words:

The two "luminaries" look each other right in the eye. And we - the human beings on earthship - sit in the middle.. The earth is expecting "something" and today we had a large quake in Japan to remind us that change is happening. The water bearer symbol gives this full moon a "radical" energy as it suggests a truly new theme, and a breakthrough of sorts. Please look up in your birth chart where the line 27 Leo - 27 Aquarius falls into, and that should tell you what this can mean for yourself. In my case I see it highlights my birth Chiron in Aquarius. Chiron, the teacher, the wounded healer who can heal the world but not himself, so stipulates the ancient "mythology"... well that is perhaps another story for another time.

Know this: Chiron is after 47 years returning again into Aquarius very soon... I call this the "system management" moon as Aquarius talks to the group of all human beings. What can the one human being contribute to the well being of the group? How can one mind be messenger to group mind of humans? Think of the fish parade in Florida we had observed on the internet, where all species swam together in one move and one direction to a common goal. This moon has a good chance to show the aim - GENESIS aka CREATION - via TRADITION - as it builds up now to steer the planetary mind in the right direction.

If we apply the few things we might have learned from Krishnamurti, the Vortex Theory by Russell Moon, and from "The Thunderbolts of The Gods" by Talbott / Thornhill, then we can imagine that one soul can carry a radical mind set change to the group, and that the group can begin to reconnect to its own past and future in a way as to make friends with all beings in Cosmos. We hear allover the world of strange thunders, weird lightnings, unusual storms, and all sorts of things connected via astrology to URANUS, ruler of Aquarius, Internet, system management, nervous system of the Cosmos and of Man.

Extremely unusual concepts, eccentric wisdom, groundbreaking and revolutionary ideas as well as a new way of living and thinking will be emerging as NETWORKED THOUGHTS on this full moon by Friday. If I were to list some "Aquarian" thinkers who have brought to humanity radical changes in viewing the world, it would be Nikola Tesla who had Chiron in Aquarius, Wilhelm Reich who had the North Node in Aquarius, and Jiddu Krishnamurti who had Aquarius Ascendant rising at birth. Aquarius is the independently thinking sign that says by its very keyword: I KNOW.

This moon is the one for the AQUARIAN people among us to be jolted awake. The age of Aquarius is - to me - as I have written in my books by definition "The Age of Knowledge". This 2005 Aquarius Full Moon might bring to us the first grand glimmers of tradionally created knowledge of GENESIS that will be poured forth to us by Cosmos, maybe in larger doses than some of us were prepared to handle... What position or which planet do you have in Aquarius? What aspects do you have pointing into Leo?

You and I, we the group, we might be thinking TOGETHER about how to access knowledge better now, and how distribute it more fairly or evenly all around. In my case I am thinking about how to codify and store some of the cosmological knowledge on the internet for free for all. Others are writing new softwares or OPEN SOURCE operating systems - a very Aquarian and Uranian endeavor - and yet others among us will tend to be more independent in their relationships to friends and to Cosmos and mankind, by tapping into the powerful knowledge we have at this time.

While operating in, through, and with the intelligent moment, this 2005 Aquarius Full Moon with its beneficial aspect to Sagittarius Pluto gives us all a chance to think all-encompassing thoughts, create miracles and magical outcomes, and to look into things larger than the individual, however not by losing our individuality but by bringing it judiciously into the group. Individuality is WANTED more so than ever as long as it can bring KNOWLEDGE to the table of the group, of benefit to all. What is suggested by the intelligent Cosmos now is INTELLIGENT CO-OPERATION at all levels.

USA 7/4/1776 is AQUARIUS MOON. India is AQUARIUS SUN. Aquarius is also the sign that says: We are FRIENDS. It is a Full Moon that speaks to fundamental issues facing our world, such as how do we manifest humanitarian ideals usefully into this realm for the good of ALL. What are the grand buzzwords of the Aquarian Time - such as Freedom, LIBERTY EQUALITY & FRATERNITY really about? How will we actually BE brothers and sisters to one another without dissolving our own "speciality"?

Saturn - the master of time - and previously the last planet that ruled Aquarius, is now in LEO, the opposite sign of Aquarius. We talked much about what Saturn will do during the next two years in Leo, asking kings and leaders if their work has been for the good of the peoples or not. You can well imagine that Saturn is in its subtle way going to take the leaders who have been less than helpful to task now.

Today, we astrologers feel that Uranus - the Electric One - is the ruler of Aquarius. This eccentric type of planet which used to be visible by naked eye thousands of years ago, is now located in Pisces, while ruler of Pisces Neptune is located in Aquarius, which we astrologers call a mutual reception, which means good things for this planet, by and large. Uranus wants to liberate and Neptune wants to dissolve and merge. These are the issues. The time is at hand, no way we can deny it, and best is we get "with it"...

The time in an Aquarius full moon, every Summer, is good to empower your VISION, to manifest it and to "make it happen", by fueling it with intent, linear, deliberate, and purposeful thought. How do we accomplish this? By sharing knowledge.

* Now - on this electric full moon - I dare you:
Click into the en-light-ening lightning!

Peace - Michael St.Clair