Monday, August 01, 2005


Time Lords

I did predict that we will at one time discover a new cosmology, and with it we will finally figure out the meaning of TIME.

Technically speaking this is not a prediction but a trend or a statement, because it implies we know nothing about time and cosmology. I mean it is already there, known, albeit not yet accepted.

I still wear watches, a TeslaWatch now, but only while Saturn moves direct - 8 months out of a year... and I was a watch fanatic as kid, collecting intricate watch movements until I realized how they actually (not figuratively, but actually) mirror the planets and their movements, and yet I knew time was a joke. Why?

Consider (con sidera with stars) what I write to be written by an alien - for aliens. Consider for a moment in time that we are all aliens, or at least that we are just beings, human beings, among alien beings. You think we humans are not aliens to the aliens? And yet, I know their astrology is superior to ours, I merely get a glimpse at it at times...

Prophets -- aka "business-planners" -- are successful if they fail.

That means if what they predict comes through, then they have failed, because it means they were not listened to. So when what they predict - a notion before judgments - does not come into reality, then maybe they are successful. Many new leaders, older and young people and truth seekers, will come forward with their findings soon, in so many domains, ranging from ET's to cosmology, science, craft, art, philosophy, to medicine, DNA discoveries, archaeology and ancient sites discoveries, to space exploration and what is really on Mars, to a new economy, and down to politics.

There will be now soon the age of disclosures, when prophets must come clean and when insiders will want to create good Karma - knowing it is about 'TIME' to do so. It all makes me smile...

At times, while I write these pieces for my Argonaut-AlDebaran and for RMN, comparing the destinies collectively over the motion of planets we call 'Time' for so many years, for so many millions of people, I think to myself: 'Why can others not see all this? Why would no one want to change the outcome?'

I feel like I am looking into a pond of crystal clear waters, into time and stars, like a living crystal ball called Cosmos, and while I supervise the editing of my alien book - Passage To Peace - I feel like I am an alien astrologer. I don't even belong here, and I certainly do not know why i know what i know, and so i go see what other fellow astrologers do, and I find myself going back 'in time' to see how the old guys did it, and then, more so than ever, do I feel we have so very little in common. Why can people not realize we are all ET's?

Well, I have no answer yet, but I do know what is coming to us soon, and it is manageable... At times I wonder if I am an astrologer or whether I am not simply an alien space traveler. Time does not exist as The Vortex Theory says, and as I simply know. I came from a lineage of what we might call 'Time Lords', those are the beings that shift motion around....
I will carry on this series of horoscopes about the earth's nations, and their misguided leaders, and our little celebrities, as soon as I find some more good objects to study. ..

I feel there are new leaders to look at - those we have not yet heard of... the Few. I am interested in what is across time, and I feel that to say we are all aliens or extratrrestrials would be closer to the truth than much of what we read and hear these days.