Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Discussing 2005/07

Earth 2005-2007

There are many oppositions and squares applying in the 1776 USA chart, in Bush's chart, and they will mirror soon -- over a phase lasting two years -- the transformation of what the USA is now into what it will become after 2007.

Pluto is now about in opposition to the natal versatile US Mars in Gemini. This opposition leads to enhanced potential of belligerence, either emanating from the USA to other countries, or from other countries to the USA. This maximum openness aspect brings a certain amount of hidden and open conflicts. It means also the USA has TWO enemies, one inside, and one outside. I think the summary is that by end of 2007 the USA is rife for internal transformation.

The square aspect also shows potential conflict, or imbalance, rough challenges, and with it the human innate resistance to change, or suprising changes when two planets square off in a 90 degree angle. Of interest here is the progressing position of Uranus, now in the 11th degree of Pisces already. It is typically liberating, bringing new impulses, and it can mirror a revolution or rebellious behavior from people, as can Pluto, so we look at both Pluto and Uranus. It is demanding when it makes aspects in a natal chart, and it acts in an uncompromising and unsettling manner, can take on many possible manifestations, and so this one transit alone is always very telling and full of occurrences. It is said that wherever Uranus transits your chart it will cause 'havoc' in that sector.

Uranus was last in Pisces between spring 1919 and spring 1927, squaring the USA position in April and August of 1921 and February of 1922. Historians know what these years were about. This was the era inbetween the two wars, the time of the prohibition, in which the impact of Uranus mirrors a radical response to the nation's imagined or perceived alcohol problem. The Twenties were also characterized by the bootleggers who supplied alcohol illegally. So maybe now someone will supply you with legal Hemp instead.

Another cultural influence at the time was a revival of secret societies' (KKK) victimization of certain parts of humanity. It was also accompanied by the manifestation of Communism in the USA (Uranus), which was then considered subversive (Pisces), and it became for an insidious element in America in the 1920s. In a way this 'ism' is rearing its head again, in a new form though, today aka NWO.

Now we have this signature again, in addition to the above mentioned Pluto opposing USA Mars assertion. Transit Pluto also squares USA Neptune, a further hint towards a subtle dilution of identity and a dissolving of what the USA has to offer in Virgo in terms of illusions and dreams both. The American Dream with Pluto in square has to be reinvented. And we have now also Mars moving this month into the square, triggering the potential influence of Uranus, so now is the time to talk about it.

America in 2005 is embroiled in the predicted aftermath of its invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Whoever timed these movements must have had an eye on both military and astrological consequences in timing, as this aftermath will last well into 2007. The attack into Iraq happened on the 2003 March Aries ingress. The Pisces ingress of Uranus had just only started then and the position in Pisces suggests that the attack, which defied the wishes of other countries, may have been an error of judgment, or, as the case may be, a purposeful blunder. Mars is now today May 3rd 2005 on that point, and US fighter jets have been lost today, as if Mars was there to remind us of the March 2003 position.

Last time Mars was in Pisces (June-December 2003) was when the US started to incur massive casualties in Iraq.

When Uranus will move very close to the square, later in 2005 and early in 2006, the attacks on both sides will escalate, and the oil wells will no longer be safe. It is interesting also to see that G W Bush's natal Virgo Mars line leads through Iraq and that Uranus will be in its return to its position in the horoscope set for the inauguration of Iraq in August of 1921. As if by February 2006 a new old Iraq might be resurrected from the ashes perhaps. Think Aramea and the fertile Crescent.

The alien and hidden government (Neptune in Virgo of 1776 USA) wants the world to believe that its strategy in Iraq is aimed at securing democracy (Uranus) and liberating the people locally, the Pisces underdogs so to speak, but the soon applying pressures associated with the Uranus square will show a more realistic agenda.

No one says much, but the casualties in Iraq are extremely high. Suicide bomber attacks (who is really behind them?) tend to affect also the innocent Iraqis and extend the American occupation of Iraq to an indefinite stage as those who lured the US troops in there knew perfectly well.

This then also threatens (Pluto) the lives of American soldiers, in the first house of the US chart. We must be advised to expect this danger to increase to include the US economy as a virtual home land, when transit Neptune (now at 18 Aquarius, and ruler of Pisces, will approach its conjunction to the US Moon, which is the eccentric electronic ruler of its Cancer Sun. It is complex but simple. By 2007 December USA will have to change course for sure.

And a smaller but equally volatile factor that could well affect the impact of the coming Uranus square is that transiting Uranus will also be now in full opposition to the natal Mars in Virgo in the birth chart of George W. Bush. This can mean he himself will be fed up with it all, wanting to see himself freed up, and it can also mean plummeting polls for him, but he doesn't have to run a 3rd time... nevertheless it will prove testy on his nervous system and on his feet.

The insightful Uranus Mars connections (by transit conjunct on May 15th) are really very unpredictable and so it is not possible for me to say what will happen, other than to state we are now entering this phase and by October 19th this year we are in a pronounced and edgy situation in terms of transiting planets both on USA 1776, GWB 1946, and Irak 1921 birth positions. This will show in the minds of the leaders, on the ground in the countries at war, and in the stock exchanges around the world.

Many, both Americans and Europeans, have asked me what it means for them, and how long I give the situation. They still hope it will just go away, because it is 'bad for business'. I would say that Europe will be taken apart a little later, but by 2011, in similar manner as the USA is now being taken apart until the end of 2007. Therefor the advice to - and the activity of - those who seek a safe or even prosperous future independent of these trends has to be to identify safe places and begin micro-economies that can last and flourish even after the dismantling of the current paradigm has taken place.

Peace M StC.

St.Clair at RMN
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