Time Travel Eclipse

The Secret?
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Time is becoming a resilient ally with a tenacious psychological climate these days ahead, and during the upcoming Libra 11 Eclipse I will be gone doing the work which has to be done during an event of this magnitude and precision.
So, I thought I would leave you here with the Dreamspell transcription for the Eclipse day of October 3rd, 2005, i.e. "11", with Sun & Moon at Libra 11, which is a double inherent eleven; and you will see how neatly it captures the spirit of this ANNULAR Solar Eclipse of the Crusader Saros series:
Red East: initiates
"The Skywalker is the Human taking flight in the imagination." - Valum Votan
Red Skywalker is an ambassador of wakefulness; an explorer of dimensions within and without; a time-space traveler; a messenger of prophecy.
*** The Skywalker vibration invites us to:
Transcend old paradigms, conditionings and ceilings of limitation; participate in the evolution of consciousness by pioneering new perceptual avenues and trailblazing new life-styles; connect heaven and earth by unifying intention with action; bring star wisdom to the planetary whole!
*** The Skywalker advises:
Spiral into the depth of your inner resources; use every opportunity to observe and discover. Honor the energy of space and its power to influence our consciousness. Explore your capacity to continually re-invent yourself! With deep roots into the earth and broad antennas into the sky, receive the medicine your soul needs to endure life`s transitions and discover trust in the unknown.
Let us be wakeful to the living dream as an outer reflection or our inner reality. How we are dreaming-up our lives through every perception and response directly affects how we are exploring.
Source of the above bold words is from my wall calendar, 13 Moon Natural Time Calendar - sent to me by a client-friend... You can get the calendar from here: http://www.13moon.com/
What I find amazing is that this Red Self-Existing SkyWalker - guided by Universal Water - day falls into this Libra 11 eclipse -- which is here for you and me to reach into the other world and bring back the result of that "trip" into this world.
We pointed out that the eclipse is simultan to the Venus-Mars 24 Scorpio - 24 Taurus axis -- that talks to us about authority among men. See the post at RMN here in case you missed it:
What is up next?
We also mentioned that Mars is now stationing to move retrograde and is then later also opposed by Jupiter in Scorpio on December 4th during a Capricorn moon, and we mentioned now during the past half a year with a certain regularity the building of the fixed energy grand cross, the meaning of Saturn in Leo and the meaning of Mars in Taurus. Here a short essay:
* http://astro11ogy.blogspot.com/2005/05/grand-cross-2005.html
* http://astro11ogy.blogspot.com/2005/05/countering-counter-forces.html
I had given you the heads up on all of this a long time ago so that you could be able to plan accordingly. Astrology and dreamspell and skygazing is among other things about TIMING and PLANNING, and about what we can do, as well as about what will probably be...
Well, the time is now upon us, and Mars shines bright red in the Eastern sky after sun set. He is to me now the RED skywalker. He is retracing his steps to degree Taurus 9 where he turns again direct on December 9th as Jupiter looks him in the eye from Scorpio 9. Taurus 9 is "A christmas tree decorated" - keyword SYMBOLIZATION; Scorpio 9 is "Dental work" - keyword PRACTICALITY. That will be the axis of the December 4th week.
The moon will point to Mars a few times, now in a few weeks on October 19th and on November 17th when you will actaully see Moon and Mars joining forces together in Taurus brightly and steadying things out nicely. Venus in Scorpio right now is rather intense if not empowered despite traversing its "fall" sign opposite its rulership sign, as does Mars, and so this uneasy mutual reception points to the other direction (West) after sunset. With a bit of luck you can see them both very soon, Venus and Mars, at opposite ends of the sky after sunset. Mars in the East will get brighter and brighter as it comes a bit closer to our Earth Star...
Each time the axis of Eagle-Bull (Scorpio-Taurus) is triggered and crosses Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius, now for many moon phases ahead, I remind you of the piece I pointed you to above -- "Countering the Counter Forces"...
Meanwhile we are approaching the ALL SAINTS DAY CROSS,
aka Cross of the Cathars - see the CropCircle below:
Peace M StC.
Soon in 2006: zen of stars