FORESEEN - Beyond Time
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October 15, 2007 – Ahead of us lies a new reality. In his latest supra-natural thriller, FORESEEN – Beyond Time, astrologer Michael St.Clair introduces for the first time a true extra-terrestrial message from the future, looking back into our world through his seer eyes of tomorrow. This compelling book gives hope, while delivering mind-altering, precision-guided, and prophetic prediction techniques.
Michael St.Clair picks up where Stanley Kubrick’s Space Odyssey left off. Once a decade an intriguing, paradigm shifting book emerges: FORESEEN, a high impact success, underground bestseller and future classic. Extremely useful for generations to come, destroying fear-based myths and “2012-Y2K-9/11” type deceptions, this visionary work frees mankind, one soul at a time. It shows how we guide ourselves, from our own future.
In the sequel to Zen of Stars, St.Clair speaks to the soul, not to the mind. Readers connect with his writing via spontaneous awareness, awakening to the liberating truth within. This book, a time travel living technology, is what the world needs now. It captures in simple terms the psychic core issues facing us and suggests the trail-blazing solutions we are left with in a world under siege.
The sane future is open source and hands on innovation, created and shared by people, for people, to express and develop their creative talents, without the ruling elite exploiting them via mass mind control. St.Clair foresees communities of light, developing networked solutions, using local resources. Imagination and guided power to dream take the mind beyond the grey zone of commerce, and into an existence worth living.
St.Clair states: “The technology of the future is the human mind.” He reveals long lost secrets of the Atlantean Knights Templars. Their simplicity and adaptability made them the functional enemy of the hierarchy. He writes Cosmic laws in light-encoded words into the unfolding story, in an entertaining and enlightening way. Light-hearted at times, FORESEEN makes even dark subjects – such as alien-resourced technology exchange and artificial intelligence – a spell-binding experience.
Readers develop skills to imagine subtle dimensions of time travel and true extra-terrestrial contact. St.Clair does not give all the answers, because looking back from the future, he knows we are the answer, where each one must find his own way of understanding the mysteries of life. Travelling into our future, revealing a strategic overview of many incarnations woven together to create a timeless tapestry of life, the soul is the weaver, and our incarnations are the threads of the fabric in which we clothe our spirit.
St.Clair connects mysteries of Atlantis with extra-terrestrial origins of mankind, and predicts that it is our destiny to return to the stars. This life-changing book opening new perspectives on the role of extra-terrestrial intelligence, by the world’s leading political astrologer Michael St.Clair, is released by NewMind Technologies.