Saturday, March 05, 2005

Israel - 1948

The Proud "Birth Chart"
ISRAEL May 14, 1948 Saturn Return 2006
The key moment will be in August-September 2005, when Saturn moves over the territorial Leo mid heaven and the four Leo planets of Israel. In 2007 Saturn will square the Taurus sun of Israel, which could mean some harsh times ahead economically speaking.
All these planets in Leo in the 10th house show a proud and territorial nation, well organized and ready to fight, as it has done in the past, but they also signify a community that is struggling for its own suvival, as demonstrated by the position of PLuto in Sagittarius now, starting to oppose the birth Uranus - an explosive combination, to be sure...
The two 8th house Gemini positions, Mercury and Uranus, show an inscrutable but brilliant nation's mind at work behind the scenes, with a potential of duplicity and hidden allies. Mercury-Pluto makes a very inspiring aspect actually for secret communications and 'war by deception' according to its agency's motto, and so does the Mars-Uranus pair, fast and surprising action ahead at a moment's notice is always possible with that combination.
But the idea of killing the spiritual leader of Palestine will by then be seen as not very smart. Already on August 11th I feel things could heat up to a stand-off situation with a very volatile polit cocktail. 20 Virgo - panarabic Mars point - triggering Pluto in Sag and the birth Uranus of Israel, things definitely have the potential for war actions. This moment is only very pronounced around November 2008, when the USA elects a new President. Jupiter in the chart is retrograde and somewhat introverted spiritually, and yet it wants to enlarge the ancestral (2nd house) lands.
In 2007, transit PLuto will reach the point where Jupiter was at when Israel was formed. At that moment we will know the truth about the question: Promised Land or Vortex of Hatred? Pluto transit hitting natal Jupiter results in a complete re-orientation of faith, and a restructuring of the economy. What Israel needs most is water resources. Personally I wish Israel happiness and Peace, because that is the only sane option for its survival. However, chances for peace to settle over this chart are slim until 2007 - unless wiser men and women take charge very quickly. Perhaps it will take a catharsis type series of events - beginning this year - to build something more peaceful on the sands of Sinai. And after 2008? Well, who knows, maybe by then, Israel as such will have morphed into something else...
This is a defensive Scorpio rising nation with a vocation or calling, due to Jupiter in Sagittarius, and it will make its views known, as it operates from a religious/fanatic (Sag Jupiter) right or wrong base of argumentation. The 10th house super command control position of Mars, Saturn AND Pluto placements at birth in Leo also indicate the belligerent potential of using the many WMDs Israel has indeed developed. A test run of these missiles could be happening soon. It may not yield what was expected, so better hold your fire...
Jupiter approaches Israel's rising degree at the end of October 2005, and then we will hear of Israel's position much more. Jupiter tends there to assert the presentation of Israel's case. But as I say, Saturn at the midheaven wants to see also law and order in the lands.
My ideal view for this country had been a sort of dream mission - Jupiter in Sagittarius on the Galactic Center - to go to the mountains on a sacred land and set up a place for people to go to get away from the hectic world outside and get in touch with inner reality. A place to see the world the way it should be seen in which the illusion will begin to give way for the simple truth in spirit.
But when one looks at Uranus in this chart, in Gemini, opposing Jupiter, one sees the potential extremism, and now with Uranus in transit through Pisces for many years, it is evident that around December 2007 things will come unglued in the Pluto-Jupiter transit conjunction which happens exactly in the natal Jupiter-Uranus axis, if the moderate and sane people in this land don't get the upper hand soon. There are many Israelies who wish simply a normal peaceful existence.
I will elaborate more later, when I see it clearer, once Saturn is on Israel's moon. I wish Israel makes peace and stops all animosity and hostility. It is still a faint possibility that this might happen. Past 2008 when Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces cross the natal axis of Jupiter-Uranus and form the grand cross, Israel will be caught in volatile moments.
Chiron is now about to enter the 4th house, home, the roots, and over the next years Chiron must bring some healing to the lands, but then look at Saturn transiting at that time over the midheaven, bringing structures.
Closer to the time, the end of 2005 Grand Cross does catch many birth position of the chart below, and it is fair to say that tensions due to or around the leadership of Sharon will mount. Saturn for many years in the 10th house of Israel will add duties to the leadership. The government has to come up with new plans for a safer future for all in the area.
It is not the best of charts for the foundation of a state, and I wonder what the Kabbalists were thinking in spring of 1948 when they went ahead with this enterprise...
Maybe this is why India waited until 1950 to catch the Aquarian realm.