Friday, April 29, 2005

St.Clair's 2005 Horoscope

As The World Turns In 2005

2005 opens on an optimistic note, far seeing with Mercury, Venus, Mars & Pluto in star chaser sign Sagittarius, questing for truth, knowing right from wrong, with its ruler - wise sage Jupiter - in the sign of balance and peace, Libra. However, Uranus in Pisces gives Mars in Sag a shock treatment, and so, what seems at peace as the new President is ready to be sworn in, may not last the course of the term, Saturn being retro is a no-no. 2005 is the year of extremes, from proscription, to offerings, communion, meditation, new arts, & sciences, all the way down to new forms of domesticity.

Saturn spends half of 2005 in Cancer - testing concepts of nursing, nurturing, emotional safety, home, land, security, family, roots, shells, and the building of new abodes. When Jupiter & Saturn square off, as they do for a year, it is a challenge to find true peace -- the false peace being no longer what it was. Relationships between men & women undergo an intense test of wills around the total solar eclipse (10/3) in Libra, when black velvet Venus in Scorpio opposes stubborn retrograde Mars in Taurus in an all or nothing type ultimatum. Most definitely do not get married then!

Best is to keep the peace and come to an arrangement of amicable understanding, even if partnerships are at a Mexican stand-off, at opposite ends of the spectrum, with Venus wanting it all - and Mars keeping it all. The upside is the jovial placement of Jupiter in line of fixed star ISHTAR – or Spica, the hand of the Virgin - denoting honor and wisdom, in beneficial alignment to Pluto in Sagittarius under the fixed star of the Serpent Charmer: the world at a stand still can actually barter a peace deal through cross-cultural and philosophical understanding.

Saturn - by August in Leo, opposed by Neptune in Aquarius - will ask, "Who is the king and who is the country?" The people of the world will question authority. The later part of the year ends in an extremely rare grand cross alignment of fixed energy, fore-boding more conflict or dissension, and featuring fixed star A-Crux in The Southern Cross sending its wise energy to a tenacious Scorpio Jupiter in absolute control, which opposes Mars - backed into a corner known as fixed star Algol, or the head of the Medusa, or - (better even) - ’pile of dead corpses'. It does not look very good, to be sure. Someone or something has to give by then, and it will not be Neptune - most faraway - merging spirituality in terms of "We are One"...

ARIES -- Another fast paced start into a year of living dangerously. North Node of Destiny all year round on you makes you the leader of the pack. Early March you must follow the rulebook or risk being delayed. Watch what you say from 3/20 to 4/11. April & May you get your way. Network, expand your circles of friends; use the web, and career matters improve. June to end of September keep the peace, and an eye on what partners contribute, it's a give and take situation, not only your way or the highway. October and November - slow down or run into brick walls - ruler Mars backs into your moneybox: review your values, assets, belongings and possessions, or how to make the best of it. The picture looks good by year's end if you work in cooperation. Share joint resources in teamwork efforts. A tendency to overdo it: Avoid arguments or excess of force before the year is over. You get another chance to arrange your financial affairs successfully in December. Love is a serious affair.

TAURUS -- Your year starts on a materialistic realistic note, where relationships have to have a purpose, not to mention be useful to you. What you want is a step ahead of how you will get it. Therefore, the idea is to follow your dream, while realizing that you are more than your possessions. Spring brings positive and beneficial partnerships to you. Work and service take on mission type behavior all summer long, when funding and resources look rarely well aspected for you. On top of it, you drive yourself to an all time high, to the point of needing serious rest & relaxation during fall, when luxuriating in your green pastures will be the right thing to do. Doing nothing is a Taurean art. Do not expect your partners to see eye to eye with you, while you splurge on art works and luxuries. By December, it is time to wake up and to move on with tenacity and over-drive type supercharged energy. The year ends as it began, with your ruler Venus in Capricorn, asking for eternal true value. He who dares will win.

GEMINI -- Begin 2005 by relating to others, and try to be profound and reliable for a change. Even if you think that no one will ever run your life, you will realize that no man and no woman is an island. On the other hand, do not think you can charm them all. You win some and you lose some. Such is life in the Geminian-Sagittarian fast lane axis. 3/20 to 4/11 you run into old friends, your mercurial ruler backing into your Geminian chatterbox, watch your language, and speak the truth. 7/23 - 8/15 and 11/13 - 12/4 you do not travel nor sign contracts; just think, or better even meditate, try not to think, if you can. From 6/6 to 10/26, love is in the air and everything looks breezy, friendly, creative, artistic, and expressive. Go after the things you always wanted to do, and build up this long desired reality of serenity. You regain a youthful zest for life and become the playmate of many. By Halloween, you need to consider going back to real work and to be of serious service, and choose ONE option - try!

CANCER -- Children, motherhood, the clan, and your own safe haven are issues severely tested by patient Saturn until 7/17, when you will feel like a ton of bricks lifts from you. Do not act as if you have lost your identity, even if you feel like a thousand years old. Saturn in Cancer is not for the faint-hearted. The upside of this is that when you restructure your life well, you will not only heal yourself but also your fellow humans. You are nurse and shrink to many. Summer highlights loving kindness towards you for a change, although forces tend to pull you apart. Take care of yourself first & foremost. One true blood friend thanks you for who you are. All year long you must take serious advantage, if you can, of a tremendous surge in career matters; explore concepts of 'opportunism' you never felt you could fathom. 2005 ends on a deep yet appeasing emotional note; you feel like love is not only in the air, but also in the still waters that run deep. Tenacity and resilience will bring you peace of mind.

LEO -- A certain spiritual crisis is taking place at your heart of gold's soul level. After 7/17, Saturn tests your core for two years. Neptune forms seemingly ideal partnerships, which may or may not turn out to be fata morganas - oasis in a desert - vanishing before your eyes. On the other hand, if you can use discernment and muster your managerial capabilities, you stand a chance to come out on top by year's end. Yet, be forewarned, you are headed toward serious times, with planets forcing you to square the circle of the Zodiac, or to be all things to all people. This behooves you well as long as you know you are still the center of attraction, and the circus' ringmaster. Remember that life is but a rich pageant, and enjoy it while it lasts. June to October you expand your fiefdom of connections. July & August, you can write your will across the sky in stars. By Halloween, you want to move your home to the deep seas or create a new environment. Go ahead; manifest your mate's dream!

VIRGO -- Financial expansion as well as regeneration of inner values and resources is your theme for 2005. Connectivity is the next primordial theme, as you need to find functional ways of handling visionary as well as rebellious alliances in the service of universal cleansing. Recruiting, executive search skills, teaching, and management techniques are your assets. Do not be too analytical. Rather, be grand and brush with broad strokes for a change. 5/11 - 6/11 your mental powers are vibrant. As of 7/17, you veer toward the paranormal in a secluded life style. Until 9/22 is a period in which you ought to maximize your magnetic forces. Charisma and bargaining power is at optimum potential in the first week of September. In October, you investigate stimulating surroundings, in November & December you start to cement new friendships. Expressiveness, writing, or publishing skills become a source of serious income from then on. Many multi-faceted options are yours: manage them all!

LIBRA -- Big Blue, King of the Gods, Jupiter in your sign - grand slam if ever there was one. If you do not win in 2005, try again in 2017. In addition, the year 19 begins with no less than four planets in your house of friends, siblings, neighborhood, communications, and expressions. 'Multi-lateral' is the theme of the year for you. Creative ventures must be brought to fruition by Halloween, when cashing in the chips begins. Travel, take or give classes, expand your horizons for all that it's worth. Your career needs serious attention at the same time all year long, and the networking ability must kick in simultaneously. There is not a dull moment for you. To top it all off, you are called upon to host the glitziest glamour parties of the decade. Schedule them for the end of August to early September; retain a Pisces & Leo, as designer & organizer, and yours are fame & fortune within a year's time. October & November you chill at the sand bar, or plumb the depth of your soul. Mirror yourself - be the playmate and please the others!

SCORPIO -- Finances look promising as 2005 gets under way. Only the goddess of destiny knows where you will end up professionally a year later. You get a good dose of psycho-spiritual awakening; to figure out that the more you want to control the outcome, the more out of control it gets. Uranus asks you to hone in on Piscean intuition, Saturn demands you use Cancer's instincts, and Jupiter expands your perception to investigate opportunities and the art of strategy. You will start to desire power. Be careful what you wish for, you might most probably get it. Your approach to life becomes more fine-tuned as the year goes by. Fall is a time when partners do not see eye to eye with you, and you might once again have to live and let die. On top of that, your levels of tenacity are tested to the core. Meanwhile Neptune lures you to a new home. Overall, you have your hands full all year around. You must set a goal: Where do you want to be in 2013, when Saturn gets a grip on you?

SAGITTARIUS -- Personal and monetary matters take on an upbeat outlook in winter. However, ruler Jupiter moves backwards in your 11th house of causes and associations from 2/2 to 6/6, forcing you to re-design your internet marketing concepts and to re-think your affiliations and maybe even your peripheral friendships. After 6/6, you implement the grand plans with an eye to the middle distance. Summer is good for the one-to-many relations, whereas in October the world comes to you. Past All Saints Day, a philosophical or deeply spiritual side is triggered in you for many 20 months. 11/13 to 12/4 is not a time to travel, nor to sign on a dotted line - retro Mercury in Sag says no-no. Born 11/25 to 12/4 you get prompted rudely by Uranus to free yourself from ‘home-land’. Born 12/13 to 12/17 you feel the punch of Pluto passing your sun sign degree. Transformation is a potion best consumed with moderation. By year's end, you want to and must reach far beyond your horizons. Smile & run for it!

CAPRICORN -- Until 3/22, your ruler, Saturn, moves backwards in your opposite sign, so do not expect partnerships to be reliable entities. Do not even think of committing into a finite direction in business affairs. You are better off looking at faraway ancient monolithic structures, or inspecting an old castle, or bidding on a valuable piece of fine art. It does not have to be old to have real value. People will love your wisdom in winter, and your drive is admirable in spring. 2005 is the right time to buy into concepts benefiting all. Investments make sense in summer, and your career becomes propelled in ways exceeding even your ambitions. The two year ordeal of the prejudice or stigma of the wounded healer icon Chiron ends by year's end. Neptune dissolves your ancient ideas of net worth and Uranus propels you to look into high tech ventures or revolutionize communication methods. Trust Scorpio or Pisces to lead you to the water. The time of the tested ended long ago, time to get with it, try!

AQUARIUS -- Winter is your time of empowerment; many planets give you the energy to forge ahead and to lead the group around you. They look at you for guidance. A visionary force drives you through the year. Metaphysical interests peak in you. In summer and fall, many influences intrigue you. You want to check into higher learning, the supra natural; at the same time you want to free yourself from one-on-one partnerships that weigh you down. Yet, an older, wiser authority figure in your life attracts you. 6/12 - 10/16 your ruler Uranus moves backwards, not a good time to turn critical corners in life. After that point, you want to explore it all, the Center of your being, the core of your alliance, the expansion of your new career, or the long overdue promotion, and the effervescence of your own charisma. You will be the party's magnet at year-end. One caveat: Chiron is about to dig up the sore spot in your persona over the next years. Study high magic, a worthy escape, and heal the world!

PISCES -- Fast forward to the end, my friend, when co-rulers Jupiter & Neptune square off from the Southern Cross in Scorpio to the middle of Aquarius, your zone of karmic spiritual sacrifice. What do you have to let go off this time to fulfill your dream? If it's not one thing, it's the other. By then it makes no difference. Pluto & Saturn demand your stellar career be paid for in person. Love is a promise, a souvenir - never forgotten, yet it will disappear. You can either drop it or go after it. Float in turquoise undercurrents, feel which way the still waters that run deep will eventually flow, and keep your suave formlessness. Your liberator Uranus plows ahead, urging you to shape-shift as you go on faraway cruise control, with reckless abandon if you must. March to May they like you the most. June to October you can escape, to come up with the grand game plan. By Samhain 11/1, delicate art of strategy, delve into your matrix to win: You come through at the 12th hour - as usual – looking cool.

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