Dear David Icke:
7.7.7. -- LONDON -- aka -- "777AD".
- A timeless signature -
At - - I stated minutes after the bombings, that the action was pre-timed and pre-planned by regressive elements, and that we are witnessing the deteriorating mind of mankind now.
The chart time of bombings is "777" or July 7th, 2005 -

Chart Source:
Mars North Node square Cancer SUN, an easy to predict event, explosive.As the time chart shows, the action is to be broadcast via internet, 11th house. More picturesque is the overlay over the Pakistan birth chart, hidden plainly: because it shows who gains in this "enterprise" to attack India and provoke China.

The Vatican RCC (Roman Catholic Church) has an interest ever since the Celtic world was subdued to introduce what we know as a "chequered board" - Sunni Shiite Wahabbi Jewish - a mixture of false flags in order to seed what we have known for many ages in human terms as "betrayal" among the best of us humans. No human being will believe in authority of any kind, and the GLADIO operation remnants are now trying to subdue Europe so as to launch into a full scale war against what we Westerners are told is "Islam". The chart shows a Mars North Node warrior destiny held in check by a safety conscious Sun & Saturn team in Cancer, and opposed by a wise Jupiter in social justice orientated or balanced Libra -- looking in from afar to measure what is written in the stars. The fact is that the alignment of planets is signed off by "777" to make it more readable to simple people, as I stated at RMN within minutes of the events.
"777" is a beautiful vibration of radical change for the better world of humanity, but it can be read - if negatively interpreted - as the signature of death. However, "21" is also the number of a higher and eternal life, so it is in fact as odd as it sounds an emergency cry by misguided humans to help even more misguided leaders to ask for guidance from unknown children yet to come in the next generation -- so as to clean house and to usher in the age of comprehension and of knowing. Neptune in Aquarius says "KNOW!"
The Cancer alignment speaks of the clan of the brothers and sisters who were betrayed long ago and who shelter in fear ... Celtic betrayal hangs low over Britain esoterically ever since William Wallace was killed, and the Roman empire is now folding - we await Vesuvius to erupt any moment - as Neptune in Aquarius sends a misguided message to Venus & Mercury in the Leo rising chart over London on 7/7/2005 or 777. The same signature comes once more on 7/25/2005, however by then Saturn Sirius and Sun have the power.
The rectangular chart of July 7th, 2005 -- Libra Jupiter - Aquarius Neptune - Leo Venus & Mercury - Aries Destiny North Node transit Mars - linked together -- shows fire and air, action and thought, while the Cancer safety orientated positions of Saturn, SUN and new moon asked for help for women and children and the tribes of men and or nations.
The signature was calculated and cynical, and as an astrologer I admit that I expected the hit on Gleneagles G8. I was wrong by one hour and a few hundred miles. BUT the event was written in the stars, as my subscribers know. On closer inspection, of all nations charts compared, the only chart that takes advantage from the event will be the British 1947 construct Pakistan LEO chart - ready to launch its aggression onto Aquarius INDIA via UK Israel - which will be caught between China and Russia.
The 3rd of October, 2005, SAROS 134 series in the 11th Libra degree annular eclipse ends the death cycle begun in 1248 AD by 7th Crusade Leader - French King Louis IX, and as you know Damietta was taken back then by Islam. One more shamanic sign in context of July 7th, 2005: In 777AD CharleMagne invaded Spain. The signature is simple and easy to read to the astrologer in tune with the study of pure reality. Life will prevail for those who are aligned with the "Presence."
The move is designed to bring down both Bush & Blair by mid 2007, and to begin the ultimate Vatican plans of a new world. But have no fear: People plan and God laughs. As Saturn reaches the Leo Ascendant or rising sign degree of Bush and the square to Blair Taurus Sun, both leaders will pay for having not taken decisive and defensive action for humanity against the forces of darkness that betrayed both of them in 2001. They should have looked inside of the Obsidian mirror of truth.
Both leaders were given the shamanic warnings in 1999. They failed to step up to the plate. Pakistan is now the designated demons lair, and India will have to deal with what is next. Krishnamurti taught the new leaders of the Indian Aquarian realm. We will see if the best men will win against the Reptiles, and my magical wish is with each human being on this planet to help find strength in a time that demands the courage of conviction in LEO SATURN, which means we all now are asked to question authority of ANY KIND, be it political, religious, or psychological.
Truth is a pathless land, never the known, and always new.
The two chart discussions here show the hidden plan -
and please know that the plan will work out in favor of humanity -
as Love prevails ultimately... against all odds.
Pakistan's birth planets are not a great picture, I must say. Pluto-Saturn conjunct Venus speaks of a hurt pride in Leo, of underground nuclear weapon and wealth, and yet also of great economic hardships forever. The archetype that comes to mind is separation from Persephone and visit to lord of the underworld Hades.
This 4th house and roots based Leo chart (which incidentally is also India's chart until India reincorporated as Aquarius in 1950) of Pakistan shows very hard times ahead for this place by 2007 when Saturn will have passed the Leo points and Neptune in Aquarius will oppose them all, bringing a people's radicalization into play. Even the Leo born Musharraf will not be able to ride this tiger for much longer. I feel Pakistan will see a massive uprising and then eventually it will go native with India. We see here on this page how all the errors committed by the British have a long memory.
What will the revolt be about? It will not be over Osama bin Laden to be sure, but the treatment of and by the - USA could well become an issue to be factored in by 2006. It is astonishing how relatively calm it has been ever since 9/11 in this place that is supposed to harbor Bin Laden and the Demons Lair. Intense Scorpio Jupiter by transit will make its return in 2006 on Pakistan's Scorpio Jupiter of birth on the descendant, highlighting hidden and open enemies, and Jupiter will then be in square to both Saturn and all the natal Leo planets of Pakistan, as well as in square to transit Neptune in Aquarius in September 2006, or in the grand cross of 2005/2006. At that time chances are that this chart either erupts or implodes.
Either way the would-be "masters of the world" did plan for Pakistan to be the spring board for war in India and China. It is clear from this chart combination, that the war is designed ahead of time, and why the borders of Pakistan will dissolve and why the smart astrologers in India made certain that India would reincorporate to have a much more visionary chart than the one established at midnight of the day they said fare well to Britannia. But the whole thing was a psychological operation by MI6. And so, it will collapse because my shamans do not give this enterprise the green light. Saturn in Pakistan Leo and Neptune in India Aquarius will dance the cycle of death and rebirth -- from mid 2006 to mid 2007 -- when reality meets unreality. The advice to both India and Pakistan is definitely to merge and to create a greater and more peaceful realm of many faiths and philosophies -- together with their brothers and sisters in China and Russia.
India has an older birth chart beginning in January 1877 in Capricorn with timeless ambition and deep roots, and then there is a medium transition type chart in Leo, 1947, same day as Pakistan, see above, when both nations were formed by splitting from the Brits construction chart which is artificial and designed to cause eternal conflict in Kashmir to hide China. India - wisely - then proceeded to move from a 1947 Leo self-centered nation in January 1950 to become this opposite and avant-garde or humanitarian Krishnamurti type Aquarian realm, and it is this chart I like to work with, the Republic of India, hightech, humanitarian, prosperous and visionary, albeit not without problems and violence due to the Capricorn 1877 Karmic Caste system ingrained in its soul...
The chart is Aries rising, trail-blazing, new, assertive and action orientated, and it sports a highly empowering as well as visionary stellium of three planets in Aquarius, in an optimistic-charming and superbly beneficial Sun, Venus, Jupiter conjunction alignment of the three happy planets in the 11th - networking and association orientated - house of the chart, and in Aquarius, and furthermore in sustained trine to a just, fair and wise Neptune and Mars alignment in Libra, highly advanced; which is the view of the new and modern India - computerized, humanitarian, benevolent - Aquarian, ok, keen to put forward a positive face, with ideals of tolerance and global standards. India's Saturn sits on the panarabic point of Mars, MECCA of Mohamed, interestingly enough, dampening the belligerent Muslim factions that are actually British Whahabbis aka false Vatican infiltrations. Needless to say India is a nuclear power in its own right, if ever it came to that point, although my ET friends say the nukes are defused before used, and India wields this spiritual and benevolent guru power with forebearance as shown in its chart of birth, as it is the ancestral territory of the Gurus, babas, and even of the teacher Krishnamurti who however always said it makes no difference where you were born because you are not supposed to be any thing else than a HUMAN BEING on this planet. India is this test tube baby.
Aquarius-India, the water bearer guru, is also a rather technological society, custom built for the computer software and internet revolution and for doing the actual programming work for the rest of the world, no wonder India is the prime outsourcing place for all high tech corporations. It is a very forward moving and poised intellectual nation, steeped in ancient sanskrit teachings applied for this new age. They have some of the foremost mathematician-scientist spiritualists there; it was my pleasure to be taught by some of them and to interact with a few of the leading young minds of Calcutta.
With Pluto in the 5th house and in Leo, opposing Jupiter-Venus, there is a poise for making its stand known if need be, and there is a certain will power to be seen as a nation of importance, a desire to be respected as one of the super powers. With a billion human beings I know India IS THE POWERHOUSE, and now comes the question as to how to put it to good use for the rest of the 6 billion beans on earth...
Pluto in Leo opposite Venus and Jupiter in Aquarius will mean that as time passes the nation will lead the way of humanity, and also this indicates creative talent in the arts and entertainment industry though - as always with Pluto - with hints of power and corruption. The caste system will have to be reorganized to be sure, but that is only my wish. Why should there be an elite and a poor mass in a nation meant to show the chain of beings?
There is a brilliant economy moving ahead in India revolutionizing all areas of life. The Taurus moon is portent of a territorial soul, not always wanting to give in to new trends, also a materíal soul with children growing up still in castes. This nation does need serious reforms.
India was formed on advice - I am certain of Vedic astrologers who knew why - when Saturn in Virgo was retrograde, thus less committed, which signifies a nation for whom service, work, and health are serious matters, and yet they do necessitate major effort to maintain an efficient medical service. The Mars Neptune conjunction in the 7th house can suggest both an aggressive, though not always realistic, stance towards immediate neighbours, as well as an unclear idea as to who is friend of foe, making India not always a serious partner in strategic alliances, a thing Pakistan and Israel will learn the hard way soon, with a lack of commitment towards real co-operation.
India will then also experience in 2005 a redesigned map of allies as Jupiter comes into this alliance and enemy sector of its chart. Confrontations do not function in India’s favor, since Neptune will always erode effective action at the last moment. I would advise the Indian leadership to drop its nuclear ambition and to move on with Artificial Intelligence instead and become much more advanced in the search for renewable energies, and thereby make itself the leader of the world. With the North Node in Aries close to the Aries rising on India's republic chart, there is also a Karma issue for a country that is struggling in a way to find its true identity, assuming others are in charge, in need of allies, and yet desiring to make an innovative and trailblazing start and a firmer stand for its own independent integrity. Mars of India sits on the South Node of Indian Karma in Libra, its fall sign, indicative of a nation that came from peace and must always seek peace, yet it must deal with its allies - and its subliminal or open enemies.
This then is a nation that will become a warrior nation if things would turn bad worldwide, because it would have no other option than to fend for itself. Neptune in Aquarius has now enlightened India for a few years, and it will have to move on with its inherent wise spirituality; yet, the nation will now face a restructuring in the coming 4-5 years when Uranus in Pisces will oppose the frugal Saturn position. There will be a combined techno-spiritual revolution coming from India, from which the whole world might actually learn. India must build firm alliances of peace with all its neighbours in order to secure a large realm of protection and sustenance to feed its masses. There will be both droughts and floods engulfing India at one stage, and the nation must ensure its survival well ahead of time.
You notice in India's birth chart that both Venus in Aquarius and Mercury in Capricorn were retrograde, which makes for uncertain alliances and a techno or impersonal outlook in matters of humanity. In other words, the group will always be more important than the individual, which has its advantages and drawbacks. It also means India will always tend to look back when it must charge forward, and this will be proven often in the near future.
The Libra planets at birth will be boosted in 2005 by Jupiter's passage, and lead to even better economy prospects in the region which is spearheaded by India. Peace treaties with Pakistan are now well aspected, despite the dark agendas trying to cause inner turmoil by small outer conflicts.
India is home to many world leaders, such as the Dalai Lama, and represents a concentration of highly advanced minds. Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn suggests that India might restructure its country and its communication once more. It shows well the thought process which is still very much based on structure and ancient values. Venus - as explained in group techno Aquarius - was also retrograde when the Republic was formed, again symbolic of alliances that always need readjustments, and also hinting at a love for network technologies. It also means India is not committed per se, it sails on its own. India could well become the sanctuary for many advanced thinkers, as it is a teacher - or Guru - to the world.
LONDON 777 is the cry for help to humanity.
As Saturn now entered Leo, it asks the world to question authority of any kind.
PEACE, Michael St.Clair at:
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Greetings & Blessings