Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Cross Of The Cathars

The Return of The King

A friend used to live in Kingsworthy, Winchester close to where this crop circle has been found. The Kingsworthy circle was discovered 20th of July, the photograph below is from the 9th of August. Looking at the cross to understand this crop circle I received a mysterious mssage, as the words: "Cross of the Cathars" were transmitted. This is where the research begins and where the connections become interesting. My mother descends directly from the Cathars.

Cropcircle Connector

The Cathars did not believe that Christ was crucified and they refused to worship symbols of a man on a cross, which they found to be highly barbaric. Some suggest that it is mistake to refer to the Toulouse Cross as a "Cathar Cross", however they did understand the sacred geometry of the "empty cross" - and its meaning, which is why they did not worship symbols and images. Apollonius Of Tyana

The Cross Of Toulouse

The cross, where all horizontal pieces and vertical arms are of equal length, was used by the Knights Templar. This equal-armed cross, is the sign of the native cultures of the ancient world and predates the Christian cross, and its religious symbolism. The balanced cross is a cross of peace. We see this today, as the sign used by neutral Switzerland and by the Red Cross. As formed by the Priory of Sion, the function of the Templars was to guard the Holy Grail, their official function, to guard pilgrims on their visits to the Holy Lands. The Templars wealth and power, was destroyed by the Catholic church through having most of the Cathars and Templars killed. Similar to Hitler and the Jews, the church carried out racial genocide and stole the land, the property and the wealth.

Winchester - Hampshire has a long history: there has been continuous settlement at the site for over 2,000 years. Winchester began as a Celtic hill fort, predating the Roman invasion of Britain in 43 CE. After the Roman conquest, the town grew and became known as Venta Belgarum. After prospering under Roman imperial rule for several centuries, Winchester discovered a new identity as an important Saxon city. Ultimately, King Alfred the Great named Winchester as the capital, first of his kingdom of Wessex and later all of England south of the Danelaw - despite the growing importance of London, it remained the center until the Norman invasion of 1066.

Winchester was the place the Kings of England were crowned, it is also close to Brockwood Park where Krishnamurti created one of his schools and where he gave Talks each year at the end of August. For many years, simple circles would appear in many of the fields dotted throughout the Hampshire Downs between Winchester and Bramdean. Not the elegant and complex patterns appearing today, but just as powerful in their effect nevertheless.