Atlantis Oracle
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"Masterfully written and beautifully illustrated. St.Clair has produced a timeless work of eternal art."
"The knowledge once only known to kings and pharaohs can grace us with the wisdom to create a greater Universe. Into your hands he has placed his divination system based on the esoterica of Atlantis."
Rev. Aphrodette North, PhD
Computer Joshua, in 'WarGames':
"Interesting game...the only way to win choose not to play...
Shall we play a peaceful game of chess?"
Interpretation of Incidental Signs
When a practitioner is setting up a or preparing the yield for a retreat, certain occurrences in his environment can be interpreted as indicative of his future accomplishments. These can be either positive or negative.
Positive signs indicating that the practitioner will receive the Buddhas' and Bodhisattvas' blessing include: seeing cranes, geese, ducks, swans, pheasants and other auspicious birds flying overhead or hearing their calls; overhearing the sounds of drums, of stringed instruments, flutes, gongs, bells; people reciting auspicious stanzas including such words as victorious, accomplished, excellent, happiness, success, give it, take it, fruitful, great, numerous and glorious.
"Atlantis Oracle is a book that spans the ages and it is this fruit of optimism and faith in a world gone so insane that even the most spiritual warriors are facing their limits in the soul mirror. St.Clair brings alive the ancient past and the returning future. It is the shamanic equivalent to Childhoods End by Clarke --- A book to enjoy – a companion for a life time. St.Clair gave it to public for free in 2003. Few have the integral collector CD. The links are printable with copyright included."
"Michael St.Clair brings to life a work of epic proportions, reminiscent of John Le Carre's Smiley's People, and of the scope of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. He takes you behind the dark side of the Moon into moral wastelands, the hitherto forbidden zone of intellectual taboo and occult meandering of a strategic end game scenario in its meltdown stage. Others have compared St.Clair to the Isaac Asimov of Ascension. St.Clair is the new astrology. It cannot really be compared. It speaks in easy to understand 3D predictions such as Bush Chirac Schroeder Ratzinger and it speaks beyond the mind to the star beings."
Acatos Publishers

"If Merlin had to sit down today and write a book of magic, Atlantis Oracle would be the book he would write."
"As you contemplate and consider the evocative images of the Atlantis Oracle, you are reminded of what you already know. These images are drawn from a blend of many ancient traditions and recast with a vibrant, modern flair to stimulate our innate intuitive capacity, our sixth sense."
Astrologer M. Kelley Hunter
Merlin could not have written a more timely or magical work on destiny and high magic. In the opening pages of Atlantis Oracle. St.Clair writes, ‘The stars are instruments God created to harness time - to structure the un-measurable and infinite.’
St.Clair skillfully weaves together his knowledge of alchemy, astronomy, astrology, mythology, psychology, the Kabbalah, Runes, the I-Ching, and the Tarot to take you on a journey worthy of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings – only this will apply to you and the Oracle will be your life’s companion.
His book is a life long work of ‘High Magic’, one that took him almost a decade to write and to design, combining ancient wisdom with the mundane knowledge of today's world to create a handbook of the Divine for the human of tomorrow. The alchemy of change he shares with the reader is simply the act of perceiving and understanding the art of choice. Atlantis Oracle is a master's work of art.
The newly designed 101 Esoteric Divination Cards© by St.Clair do not follow the traditional Tarot. The beautifully drawn and artistically original card decks invite you on a journey into understanding who you are, not just who you would like to be in your highest moments of illumination.
St.Clair teaches that we must learn to unlock and master the mysteries of our own "dark" side. The cards provide us with an insight into our deepest dreams and projections. Guiding the reader through the psychic, the book is designed "to help you to understand yourself better - your inner experiences and their projection onto the world around you." St.Clair shares his profound understanding of the human psyche in a direct and powerful way, showing how the development or deterioration of the psyche affects the world we live in.
The "instructions of the cards" are a gateway, harnessing a deep understanding of the two forces in man. In St.Clair's inspired interpretations of the cards, he shows us that there is a precise order to the opposing forces operating within us. Each of his interpretations is accompanied by the visual artistic interpretation of two cards. Balancing dual forces and mirroring the demands of choice, St.Clair's own divination takes the reader beyond fear, to understand all aspects of their own life.
As we understand the forces moving through us, we become the masters of those forces. Offering the diviner the choice of two sets of cards perfectly mirrors freedom of choice. Leaving aside all judgment of right or wrong, we are faced with the demand to 'choose', and in so doing, this frees us from the restrictions and limitations of our doubts. St.Clair inherently walks the magi's talk and shows us the way of the magi - the way ahead.
In his in-depth discussion of the meanings within the 101 symbols and glyphs, St.Clair provides us with a magical and timeless design of progression and the opening of the secrets of space-time alchemy. He has compacted his esoteric knowledge into a dialogue that offers practical and yet eloquent solutions to living in this world. This presentation is a tool to be used to find real and immediate answers.
St.Clair's words tend to inspire an outcome that balances and heals the individual no matter what lies ahead in our individual or collective destiny. While he is now known to the world as the foremost and most hard hitting astrologer and proponent of Cosmic truth, he kept hidden from public view the fact that he is maybe an even more advanced artist than say the greatest masters of the Renaissance ever were…
Atlantis Oracle is a timeless journey into an eternal world of beauty, art, and long kept secrets, shared with powerful simplicity. The esoteric, and often confusing rituals and hidden meanings of the occult Tarot fall away when you read this book. St.Clair simply urges you to open the pages of your own life, to read it and to enjoy life.
As the esoteric book of space-time, Atlantis Oracle is beautifully written. Within it’s pages, the most ancient world meets with the most modern. It is also an account of St.Clair's life-long and passionate affair with life, with a love of and desire for knowledge, and an affirmation that the goals sought can be found.
St.Clair shares with us a fascinating journey through many of his life experiences, as well as his years of learning from ancient texts and his study of secret knowledge and sacred knowing. He presents an understanding of alchemical forces that can only be gained through meeting and overcoming the trials life presents. This book reveals a compassionate vision of St.Clair's teachings as portrayed through his drawings and his words.
In St.Clair's world, "every moment counts. There are no ordinary moments."
"If you love mystery, and tales of Gandalf and Merlin, then you will love this book. Atlantis Oracle is a masterful work of divination and magic for the 21st Century."
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