Friday, April 29, 2005

St.Clair's 2006 Horoscope

As The World Turns In 2006

2006 is 'the year in-between', or the time between the times. It opens on a staid solid serious Capricorn new moon. Far-reaching Jupiter in the wise point of the Southern Cross in penetrating Scorpio forms a grand cross of tenacious fixed energy with three other planets: action planet Mars entrenched in Taurus (opposite) bullying everyone around; architect of time Saturn grand in Leo, and woozy Neptune in groupie Aquarius across from it. Who is king - who is country? Nobody wants to give in here, yet something has to give.

To make matters complex, Saturn is retrograde as 2006 begins: commitments of long-term value or strategic importance are on hold until at least April 5. Venus moves for one month backward into, and then for another month forward through Capricorn - sign ruled by Saturn - and so, even very personal relationships and dealings, barters and energy exchanges are really not well aspected as the year begins on a somewhat somber and non-committal note. Take heed and lounge by the fireside with an old flame!

The feeling permeates the atmosphere whereby everything must wait for its appointed time, and time itself seems to stand still. What we all can do 22 during this period in winter is to look back to that unusual year of 2005, when the big movements were staring to take shape, and see what we have to review, revise, restructure and redo in our own little lives. Such is the way of time. Like ebbs and flows, life fluctuates. Venus 'retro' means also, however, that we may look at an old flame coming back into our life, and we will give her/him a very profound second good look – asking why it did not work out the first time around. Chances are the old flame is an ageless Capricorn type living legend executive or man on the mountain, or as the case maybe, a business woman ex supermodel.

Alternatively, we look at ancient architecture, or things of old value, which is what Venus in Capricorn loves most. In addition, it has to be useful too. The planet of love in the sign of authority loves the lone rangers, the fine bone structures, and the aloof air of diplomacy. This is not fast love, to be sure, but this is about what is true and tested, or what will outlast them all. It is a somewhat businesslike and rather opportunistic or cutthroat type of time. This is the birth signature of 2006 - keep it in mind as time goes by!

As the world keeps turning in spring, things all of a sudden pick up quick silvery speed. Mars in mercurial Gemini makes many new connections and ventures into slick, super fast and smart actions, taking on way too many projects at once. In the 1st week of March, Venus enters Aquarius and the tone changes to instant friendliness and breezy relations. The long-standing Venus-Mars sextile then makes for intellectually stimulating partnerships and an effervescent time ahead. The vernal equinox Ostara - Celtic New Year - sees the moon in Sagittarius, which means now we feel like life is going to be fun. Moreover, it will be an adventure. Seven moon phases later, by 10/23; six planets pile up in Scorpio, to give the climate a super charged overdose of sheer secretive and sexual intensity.

The end of 2006 carries a brand of optimism to which we all must aim: Jupiter aligns with Mars and Mercury on 12-12-2006 in Sagittarius in what is known as a 'stellium' of three planets in one spot: 5-7 degrees Sag, or fixed star Antares - the heart of the Scorpion. That is grand: we will actually stand and fight for what is right. December 20th actually puts SIX planets on the new moon in Sagittarius, with Pluto in the galactic center, which bodes well for the quest a year later, when Jupiter will have caught up with Pluto. We will test and explore the universal truth to its core. More than one wise sage or philosopher will emerge from the faceless crowd. Leadership will announce itself at the end of 2006 and take over in 2007. The great outdoors, vast spaces, freedom, liberty, cross-cultural exchanges, international and space travel will be main themes of the next year. More of this later!

Chiron, the magician healer asteroid, enters star sign Aquarius in 2006 for the next five years. If you want to know what that means, read the Water Bearer's horoscope below. You should comprehend all signs' planetary transits to get a grip on the year ahead!

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