Sunday, May 01, 2005

Monthly Outlook For May

- Decan By Decan -

Love and appreciation boom again in May, as of 11th May for 1st and 3rd decan, and as of 19th May for the 2nd decan of Aries. You will have a good time in particular with people of the Gemini, Leo, Sag and Libra signs. Financially all is good until mid May when Mars and Uranus do the big meeting. After that time you must respect the budget you ought to put in place in January already. Health is being tasked again, and exertion will leave its marks - but by 20th May the going gets better again. Professionally it is not a good time to push now, this is now a time to take care of unfinished business and close the loose ends. Watch what you say and work on what is at hand or in your face now.
Until May 10th Venus sweetens your life a lot, and things are just dandy, plus the sun in your sign, so it is match ball time for you now. Love and life are what you are all about, and now is that moment where you want to throw star dust energy of Venus and Sun all around you and excel at making friends. Now you can also begin investing and risking things because the going is good for you in business, barter, and beautiful crafts. Real estate transactions would benefit you now very much. Selling is good, transforming into gold even better. Health is grand as you are nearing your yearly top form now. As of 21st May you can take it easy. Your career will be getting a great booster now too, new projects can be successfully started now, and your concentration levels are high so as to see the long haul of this good phase ahead. Take a short break!
Until May 12th all financial matters should be wrapped up and dealt with. Relations with Libra, Aquarius, and Aries are excellent. 1st decan has an enhanced energy reserve after 21st May, a great time relating to others from 11th-18th May, but has to be careful in work place and job matters from 2nd-14th May when arguments could flare up. 2nd decan enjoys good financial prospects until 12th May, a beautiful phase of feeling appreciated and coming across as understood from 19th-27th May, but will encounter difficulties at work from 15th-28th May. 3rd decan has a fine month of May in all aspects of life, and you should try to mend fences with those born in Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces, as they might be more ready to build a bridge of understanding with you now, as long as you will do what you say. As of May 21st the sun comes to assist the 1st decan in great aspects to Jupiter and Neptune, forming a splendid intellectual grand trine in all the three air signs, and so, things move real fast now.
Enjoying life is on the agenda until late in May, as the first three weeks give you much reason to enjoy family, home, work, and even good dealings in financial affairs. You have reason to rejoice and to be very happy as things move along pleasantly. Schedule meetings with friends and family for this time, and do something with the renewed vitality that has come to you. Money matters and resources are looking very positive from 12-28 May. Recognition and appreciation for jobs well done is due now and you will be praised for the work you did. Use this moment wisely to negotiate better terms for your future, get a raise or a promotion now, as this is within your reach.
1st decan has a beautiful relationship aspect from 10th-20th May where love and appreciation are highly favored. 2nd decan experiences this high from 19th-26th May, and 3rd decan the same from 26th May to 3rd June. Having such a grand time in matters close to you and being valued, you will not even need to worry about money, and you should finish all business by 12th May so as to devote time to your loved ones. Health and energy levels are splendid after May 20th, you should haul yourself outside and enjoy sports and entertainment. Professionally it is a lazy time, nothing bad, but not very fruitful, so you can postpone work projects into June.
A very mixed package of emotions, nervous feelings, and a hectic pace make for an unclear picture. 2nd and 3rd decan are assisted by the sun and your health, happiness and wellbeing are enhanced as May goes by. the mid May Mars Uranus power meeting in Pisces is going to deliver shock therapy to Virgo's relationships. Those born 2-5 September are in for unexpected surprises. Go with the flow! Financially the 1st Virgo decan does well as of May 13th and the 2nd decan follows suit in resource tappings by May 19th, and the 3rd decan is blessed monetarily after May 24th. Health and energy levels are much better and getting better. However, professionally and in business matters, Uranus and Pluto are really knocking you around from many angles, in the ways discussed in the above main transits analysis.
There can be many opportunities for fun and pleasurable things, parties to attend, showings to visit, and friends to entertain. You experience a lot of joy in May. Keep within a budget that helps you stay calm. As of 19th the financial picture looks a lot better for you. Energy levels are good now and your health and wellbeing are positively aspected during this time. Routine work in professional matters go well, and you should stick to routine, and as of 19th/20th you should start implementing projects and ideas you have been preparing. Things are working out fine for you now.
Relationships are still at a low point until 25th May, but your value is being recognized soon professionally. The meeting of Mars and Uranus on May 13-16 will pull you out from under the pile of the unknown and all of a sudden you will see lime light or job raise and promotion out of the blue coming your way. Financially it is a time to save up and not to make rash shopping mistakes, and after the 13th you have to stick to a budget. Your energy levels are being gently refilled and you will be able to tune into soothing and healing patterns either by meeting a kind teacher healer type person, or by visiting a spa or a spiritual leadership type work shop or other metaphysical seminar. You have to attempt to meet people who are at your level or higher, but not lower, if you see what I mean, dear Scorpio friend.
The above great phase lasts until May 12th and after that time it is not a good idea to push any further as the planets literally attack you from all sides. Best is you schedule a retreat for mid May to mid June. In any event you have to watch your inherent exuberance and nervosity, because the hectic and demanding times ahead will bring with them the risk of misreading situations or of calculating the circumstances in a way that is not to your benefit. Healing is a good thing to put on the schedule now. Mars and Uranus are a hefty pair when they meet right in the center of a square to you, and all those born from 2nd to 14th December will be in for some unexpected surprises, the sort of which I cannot predict. Advice is good nutrition, lots of sleep, outdoorsy exercise and no heart attacks please. Probably your living conditions will change now. Avoid power plays and don’t get involved with any of the other mutable signs, i.e. Virgo, Gemini and Pisces, they will now not want to cooperate with you, as they are onto their own thing. What you can do is begin a bartering economy; this would stand you in good stead.
3rd decan of Capricorn experiences a good time in amicable relationships until May 10th. The other Capricorns experience May as a solid time with emotionally stable weeks ahead. As of 13th when Mercury enters Taurus, financial and resourcing aspects start to look very favorable for you and now you should start investing, buying, selling and get active to restructure your business affairs. Negotiations will go well when things make practical sense for all parties involved. Energy and health are very well aspected. Professionally many doors will open now and the time between 15th-29th May is a pronounced business and enjoyment phase. This would around May 20th be the best time to strike out in a new direction, and the 26th/27th add the Capricorn moon flavor to your longer lasting successes.
Patience will pay off by June, as of 11 May the clouds on the horizon in relationship matters seem like a mirage and constructive criticism will be appreciated by 1st decan from 11-18 May, by 2nd decan 19-26 May, and by 3rd decan thereafter. Financially a good phase continues to stimulate all of Aquarius, and the account is looking up. After May 12th you have to use fiscal discipline and avoid over-spending. New friends will appear on the scene and you will have many options and choices of who to do anything with, so you will have to be selective and not get side-tracked. After 21st May the 1st decan Aquarius gets a health energetic lift off feeling. 2nd and 3rd decan seem on a lower energy level still. There is a need to go outdoors and stay physically fit. So get with it and work less as the long hours drag you down. You should just keep working at the projects you are involved with at a 'normal' pace. Not a great time to begin a new venture now, but rather consolidate the work you have on your plate now.
Small pleasures such as meeting family and friends for dinners or outings are good things to engage in during the first seven days in May. 3rd decan Pisces (11-20 March) will have a lot of fun. Caution here is not to overdo it. From 12th to 28th May, Mercury is helpful for business transactions, and your cognitive thinking is highly invigorated, and so you will make good decisions based on great clarity after having sifted through who or what you wish to deal with. Health and general well-being are aspected in positive manner and it is possible you decide to take on a new sport or hobby outdoors. 1st decan has to watch energy expenditure during the last seven days in May. Mars and Uranus meet on May 14th-16th, at 10-11 degrees Pisces (i.e. hits those born in the span between 28th February to March 3rd the most) and will hand down absolutely electrifying insights and action potential. Here you are at a strategic point in your life. Synchronize action with intuition from now as this is like a new beginning in your life!
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